Oct 04, 2024 | Kelsey Crispin | 872 views
Players Invited to Return
MTK - Players invited to return
The following is the list of U18 players invited to return to the 2024/2025 MTK selection process. Players are invited to return for Monday Oct 7th Exhibition game in Almonte at 7:30 p.m.
#61 Flanders
#62 Kennedy
#63 Weir
#64 Townend
#65 Hawn
#66 Menard
#67 Grabe
#68 Rivington
#69 Waterfield
#70 Bagshaw, E
#71 Bagshaw, F
#72 Mitchell
#80 McCormack
#81 Cogswell
#82 Sikora
G #66 Holden
G #68 Lepage
G # 85 Wright
For the players not listed, the Mississippi Thunderkings thank you for trying out and wish you all the best this upcoming season.