Join us Saturday November 9th for our annual MTK Day!
MTK will be in Almonte at the John Levi Community Centre on the 9th.
Game will start at 9am until 6:30pm.
We will have loads of activities going on.
-Ottawa Senators Street Team will be onsite from 10-3pm
-The Canteen will be open and hosted by ur U11 team
-U12 will have a raffle for Mystery Mini Sticks and will be selling Loud Cups
-U13 will be offering a 50/50 draw and candy table
-U14 will be collecting gently used shoes for Footwear 4 Kids Foundation
-U15 will be raffling off a basket of cheer
-U16 collecting non-perishable food items for The Hunger Stop. Also raffling off Sens Tickets.
-MTK swag - togues and a new MTK ball cap
-CPMHA and APMHA U9 Skills Comp from 12-1pm