Welcome from our President, News (Mississippi Thunderkings)

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Jul 11, 2024 | Kelsey Crispin | 256 views
Welcome from our President
Jennifer Downey would like to welcome you all to the 2024/2025 season!

Welcome Players, Coaches, Parents and Supporters.


On behalf of the Mississippi Thunderkings Minor Hockey Club we want to welcome

you to the 2024/2025 season. It is a pleasure to be leading this organization for another season.


It is our hope to work together for a season full of hard work, skill development, team building and fun.


To the players, play hard, play fair, respect the officials and have fun.

To the parents and coaching staff enjoy the competition, and remember that the players are here playing a game we all love.

Let’s remember to keep expectations realistic and encouragingly cheer on the players as they work hard.

To the volunteers, THANK YOU! Without you this season would not be possible.


The Executive has been working hard in the off season. You can look forward to this upcoming season knowing we have put together an agreement with the Carleton Place Canadians.  CPC will provide guidance and leadership throughout our summer sessions, evaluations and with our player/goalie development.


The executive has an open door policy and are happy to have respectful conversations about our program and how to make it the best Rep B Association in D4.


We hope the season brings lots of memories to last for a lifetime.


See you at the Rink.




Jenn Downey


Thomas Cavanagh Construction Limited
A Man Devoted to His Community The Thomas Cavanagh Foundation was established in 2019, with the dream of immortalizing Tom’s generosity in the community he loved. Tom had a knack for seeing and meeting needs of all sizes – usually in his own unique style. He loved to help his neighbours and community flourish. With an emphasis on local giving, we hope to honour and perpetuate Tom’s passion for this place he called home, and its people, whom he called friends.