Spring 2024 Update!, News (Mississippi Thunderkings)

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Jun 05, 2024 | Kelsey Crispin | 231 views
Spring 2024 Update!
Good morning all,I hope everyone is enjoying their Spring and MTK off season!!
At MTK hockey, spring is a time for planning and organizing for the next season. 
The 24/25 MTK Executive met for the 1st time this week and I would like to share with you all the Executive for the upcoming season. 

We are fortunate to have lots of returning members and would like to welcome some new friends to our Executive.
President:  Jenn Downey
VP Operations: James Caldwell
VP Administration: Andrea Tunks
Dir of Communications:  Kelsey Crispin
Dir of Scheduling:  Joanne Guibord
Dir of Registration:  Sarah Clark
Dir of Risk and Discipline:  Jason Tunks
Dir of Finance:  Jason Bagshaw
Dir of Equipment:  Chris Waterfield
Secretary:  Jaime Hewitt
CPMHA Rep:  Scott Dixon
APMHA Rep:  Brad Colbourne

A couple of items to share:MTK will be moving to a new website platform within the next month - Sportzhead will be our new platform - which aligns with the changes to the B League, LCMHL and District 4 Associations.  We are excited, as a mobile app is connected to this platform so we look forward to ease of communication with our teams and members.We will use Instagram and Facebook to communicate while we transition, so please follow us.Tryout Registration for 24/25 season will open sometime in July following both CPMHA and APMHA opening their registrations. STAY TUNED!!Summer Sessions will again be offered at the end of August - these are a fun return to ice, open to all APMHA and CPMHA and are not part of Tryout conditioning - registration will open at the end of July.Hockey Canada Pathways for U10 - U15 will be implemented for the upcoming season - please familiarize yourself with them.  We are actively figuring out September Ice schedules to see how this will all impact tryouts and season start dates.I look forward to welcoming everyone back in September.  At any point if we can answer questions for you, please reach out to any member of our executive.

See you all soon!!!!

Jenn Downey
MTK President
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A Man Devoted to His Community The Thomas Cavanagh Foundation was established in 2019, with the dream of immortalizing Tom’s generosity in the community he loved. Tom had a knack for seeing and meeting needs of all sizes – usually in his own unique style. He loved to help his neighbours and community flourish. With an emphasis on local giving, we hope to honour and perpetuate Tom’s passion for this place he called home, and its people, whom he called friends.